5 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life

Protima Tiwary
3 min readJul 15, 2021


We’ve been talking about productivity for a long time, and we understand that the term is also widely misused. Bad habits being sold under the false disguise of productivity are contributing to the toxic hustle culture that the majority of us are a part of. The other end of the spectrum talks about slow living and enjoying every moment mindfully. But what happens in the middle? The uncomfortable zone where all the work is being done?

If you are someone who is trying to unlearn the bad habits in order to slowly make your way towards a sustainable and productive life that gives you happiness, please understand that this shift is going to take weeks, maybe even months, because unlearning what we have been conditioned to believe is an uncomfortable journey. Having said that, if you stay consistent you will realize that you are slowly creating for yourself the life that you had envisioned.
So what are the habits that will help you get there? Here are some that we share from personal experience.

1. Breathwork
When you are under stress or feeling anxious, your breath changes. These slight disruptions are easy to miss. You have to consciously focus on re-establishing normal breathing so that you can restore your focus. We usually breathe in and breathe out to the count of 5. Repeat this ten times and you will see that you are considerably relaxed.

2. Set an intention
Every time you start out to do something, ask yourself “what am I aiming to achieve” Even if it is going in for a shower, a workout, or eating something, asking yourself this question will help you develop a good relationship with taking care of yourself.

3. Move
Fall in love with movement… and this does not always mean clocking in 1 hour at the gym! Movement is anything that you like to do with your body; it can be yoga, dance, pilates, CrossFit, running, anything and everything that gets those endorphins flowing. While it is a great idea to get in a daily workout through whatever movement you prefer, please also ensure that you take movement breaks during work where you get up and move around just to get the blood flowing again.

4. Express gratitude
Studies show that a daily gratitude practice heals the body, mind, and spirit. Keeping a journal to write down all that you are grateful for each night before bed, or as soon as you wake up in the morning, is a great way to practice gratitude daily. You can also write affirmations and leave thank you notes to whoever/whatever you are grateful for in your life.

5. Fix your posture!
All of us know this, but how many of us really do it? Proper posture puts your body at ease, reduces tension, and improves oxygen flow. It also helps keep aches and pains at bay. Whenever you are sitting down to work on your laptop, or watch TV, or even lie down with your phone, make sure that you are aligning your body in a comfortable position. One thing to keep in mind no matter what you do- always keep your head in a neutral position with your chin slightly tucked in.

5 basic habits that won’t take you much time; they will feel uncomfortable at first but after days, weeks and months of doing this you will see how the quality of your life improves. You will never know until you try😇



Protima Tiwary

Freelance content writer. Entrepreneur. Blogger. An Army brat in pursuit of culinary nirvana.High on love. Gym Rat.Major General Noob. Instagram-dumbbellsndrama